Monthly Training Program Tuition

Ballet, Tap, Broadway Dance, Youth Contemporary, Youth Broadway Dance


Pre Ballet, Ballet One, Ballet Two    $93

Beginning Intermediate   $160

Intermediate 1    $215

Intermediate 2    $260

Intermediate Advanced 1 and 2    $275

Intermediate Advanced 1 and 2 with Pointe    $300

Intermediate Advanced 3    $320

Intermediate Advanced 4    $400

Advanced    $400

Unlimited Dance Classes    $400

Broadway Dance, Contemporary, TAP $93

Ballet Training Bundle with added Genre  tuition+$85

Private Dance Lessons (30 min) $50

Private Dance Lessons (60 min) $100


Drop In Classes (Youth-Teen-Adults)

Ballet, Tap, Contemporary, Broadway Dance,
Styles (Hip-Hop, Commercial Dance), Creative Dance (2-3yrs)

Single Drop In Class   $25

10 Class Punch Card $185

Unlimited Dance Classes    $400 a month



At The Ballet School Performing Arts, our enrollment is ongoing. The schedule for our Training Program for Ballet, Tap, Contemporary and Broadway Dance continues year round. Therefore, once enrolled, each Dancer will automatically stay enrolled in their class each month unless the family specifically notifies the office. Many of our classes have waitlists, so if your dancer is planning to take a break from enrollment we have options for your family to consider in order to maintain their spot in a specific class. Please see “Hold” and “Cancel” policies below.


Tuition is always due the first week of every calendar month. Tuition remains the same regardless of the amount of weeks in the month, or holidays. Payments can be made to The Ballet School Performing Arts by Check, Cash or by Credit Card. Automatic Payment is available, and recommended. Automatic Payment is processed on the 1st of the month. A Late Fee will be applied for any payment made on or after the 15th of the month.


The Ballet School Performing Arts is open year round, but does close on specific days listed on our school calendar. Absences are recorded, and make-up classes are available for 3 months after a missed class. If a dancer disenrolls or “holds” their enrollment, absences are not recorded, and therefore make-ups are not available. When a holiday or holiday break falls within a monthly tuition period, students still pay full tuition for that month. Make-ups can be used either before or after the holiday takes place. You have 3 months to make-up any class missed as long as the student is enrolled in our school.


In order to “hold” your dancer’s spot in a specific class/time and maintain your registration in the school you must:

  • Have a set up Automatic payment (Auto Pay)
  • Communicate to the office by filling out an official form.
  •  Agree to the Hold Fee rates that apply to your student:
  • $30 charge for each month you place on Hold for Pre-Ballet, Ballet One, Ballet Two, Tap, Contemporary
  • $50 charge for each month you place on Hold for Beginning Intermediate
  • $65 charge for each month you place on Hold for Intermediate 1
  • $80 charge for each month you place on Hold for Intermediate 2
  • $85 charge for each month you place on Hold for Intermediate Advanced 1
  • $90 charge for each month you place on Hold for Intermediate Advanced 2
  • $95 charge for each month you place on Hold for Intermediate Advanced 3
  • $120 charge for each month you place on Hold for Intermediate Advanced 4, Apprentice & Advanced

Once the terms of the “Hold Agreement” have elapsed, you will be charged by Auto Pay for the full amount of your usual monthly tuition. While on HOLD you are NOT allowed to use past or future make-up classes.


Our Annual June Demonstration performs at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Downtown Walnut Creek. This is a showcase of classroom work where ALL students from Pre Ballet through Advanced will be invited to perform. There are 3 showtimes and the school is divided into those 4 performances. Specific showtime assignments will be posted in early April. There is no outside rehearsal required for the Demonstration. Tickets are sold through the Lesher Center for the Arts. There is no outside production fee or costume fee. The student must stay enrolled through the full month of June to be eligible to perform.


If your dancer maintains year-round enrollment in the following levels: Beginning-Intermediate, Intermediate (1, 2), Intermediate Advanced (1,2,3,4), or Advanced they are eligible to be a part of our Holiday Ballet, ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS. This original Ballet is performed at the Lesher Center for the Arts, and will require additional rehearsals outside of usual class time. Tickets are sold through the Lesher Center for the Arts. There is a production fee required to participate. NOTE: If your student has to go “on hold” at any point in the year, agreeing to our “Hold fee” policy is the only way to maintain yearly enrollment, and eligibility for Once Upon A Christmas.


If you choose to cancel your class enrollment, you will need to notify the office by the 15th of the month to ensure your account isn’t charged for the following month. If you wish to re-enroll at any point, you must pay the $45.00 registration fee again at the time of re-enrollment. If you cancel, we cannot guarantee there will be availability in a preferred class time, should you choose to return. The door is always open at anytime to return to any program at The Ballet School Performing Arts.


(925) 934-2133

1131 Locust St., 2nd Flr
Walnut Creek CA 94596